Wave’s Diffraction by Prefractal System of Splits in a Plane Screen

Authors G.I. Koshovy
Affiliations National Aerospace University, 17, Chkalov Str., Kharkov, 61070, Ukraine
Е-mail gikosh@gmail.com
Issue Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 4
Dates Received 15 July 2011, published online 30 December 2011
Citation English version is not accessible
PACS Number(s) 07.57. – c, 02.30. Rz
Keywords Wave’s diffraction, Fractal modeling, Integral equations, The Raleigh method.
The process of plane wave’s interaction with prefractal system of splits in perfectly conducting and in finitely thing screen is examined on the base of strong electromagnetic theory. Some stage of construction for perfect Cantor set with variable Hausdorf’s dimension is used for the system’s mathematic order. The examination is based on the integralequation technique with usage of a symptotical approach. Inversion formula sareapplied for reworking schema of integralequation’s solution and some asymptotical formula sare given with in the limits of the Raleigh method.

List of References

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