Effect of Sintering Temperature and Aluminum Concentration on the Hardness, Microstructure and Density of Copper-Aluminum Alloys

Authors D. Slimani1,2, A. Souigat1,3, R. Gheriani2, O. Bentouila3

1Ecole normale supérieure de Ouargla, 30000 Ouargla, Algeria

2Lab. Rayonnement et Plasmas et Physique des Surfaces, Univ Ouargla, Fac. des Mathématiques et des Sciences de la Matière, 30000 Ouargla, Algeria

3Lab. Développement des Energies Nouvelles et Renouvelables en Zones Aride, Univ Ouargla, Fac. des Mathématiques et des Sciences de la Matière, 30000 Ouargla, Algeria

Е-mail limani.dr@gmail.com
Issue Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 4
Dates Received 27 July 2020; revised manuscript received 06 August 2021; published online 20 August 2021
Citation D. Slimani, A. Souigat, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13 No 4, 04022 (2021)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.13(4).04022
PACS Number(s) 61.66.Dk, 81.05.Bx
Keywords Cu-Al alloys, X-ray diffraction (19) , Hardness (12) , Granular size, γ2 phase.

In recent decades, powder metallurgy technology has advanced considerably and been used to manufacture sintered structural components with extremely high dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish. This process is based on the compression of a mixture of metal powder and sintering in an oven using controlled temperature and atmosphere. This technology meets copper alloys design with excellent mechanical properties at the lowest cost. This prompted us to study the effect of sintering temperature and aluminum concentration on the hardness, microstructure, and density of copper-aluminum (Cu-Al) alloys prepared by using the powder compaction process. In this work, samples of Cu-Al alloy with 5, 11, 14, and 18 wt. % of Al were prepared by mechanical alloying of elemental powders, followed by consolidation under a pressure of 12.5 MPa and sintering at 700-1000 C in vacuum for 90 min. Microstructural constituents were examined using X-ray diffraction. Density and hardness were measured and their changes with the size of the granules and the formed phases were studied. The 2 phase samples showed higher hardness.

List of References