Annealing Induced Red Shift in the Absorption Edge of TiO2 Films Prepared by Sol-gel Technique

Authors Kamakhya Prakash Misra, Saikat Chattopadhyay, Deepal Dey, Prarbdh Bhatt, Nilanjan Halder

Department of Physics, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur 303007, Rajasthan, India

Issue Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 2
Dates Received 08 January 2021; revised manuscript received 26 March 2021; published online 09 April 2021
Citation Kamakhya Prakash Misra, Saikat Chattopadhyay, Deepal Dey, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13 No 2, 02017 (2021)
PACS Number(s) 81.20.Fw, 78.66.Bz
Keywords Red shift, Absorption edge, TiO2 (17) , Sol-gel (17) , Thin films (60) .

We report the formation of sol-gel spin coated TiO2 films on corning glass substrates. The XRD spectra revealed the predominance of anatase phase in the films with annealing temperature from 250 to 450 °C. The FE-SEM studies showed dense distribution of nanocrystallites in the deposited films. Elemental analysis by EDAX measurement also confirmed the formation of TiO2 films. Most interestingly, annealing at 250 to 450 °C for 1 h in air produced a red shift in the absorption edge from 353 to 374 nm. This red shift was attributed to annealing-induced reduction in carrier confinement linked to enhancement in nanocrystallite sizes in the annealed films.

List of References