Integration of Finite Element Analysis, 3D Printing and Biopolymers to Enhance Research in Orthopaedics

Authors D. Yadav , R.K. Garg

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India

Issue Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 2
Dates Received 10 January 2021; revised manuscript received 24 March 2021; published online 09 April 2021
Citation D. Yadav, R.K. Garg, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13 No 2, 02005 (2021)
PACS Number(s) 87.85.J, 82.35.Pq
Keywords FEA (3) , 3D printing, Biopolymers, Implants (2) , Modeling (20) .

FEA is a very powerful tool for biomechanically examining orthopaedic trauma. In order to improve the design, screening, estimation and treatment of orthopaedics, finite element (FE) simulations can evaluate thousands of variables effectively and reliably (including implant variance, surgical procedures and different diseases). In addition, FEA can be used to evaluate and fix issues or failures retrospectively in order to deter similar injuries in the future. FEA will potentially be used in a time-efficient and cost-effective assessment of implants, therapies and techniques. This work includes a description of the development of FE models, 3D printing techniques used in orthopaedics along with the evolution of biopolymers in medical industry. For FE models, geometry of interest must be developed, the material properties of virtual tissues measured and the numerical solver correctly used to construct an effective solution and to define the field variables. The purpose of this work is to introduce the reader to the effectiveness of integrating the FEA in orthopaedics application with 3D printing and biopolymers and to provide a brief description of the modelling process. Also FEA is applied for designing LCP for Femur bone. From this work, it can be concluded that the integration of FE analysis and 3D printable biopolymers with 3D printing in orthopaedics research can provide considerable new information to make technically more appropriate decisions and highly beneficial from society point of view.

List of References