Lateral Junctions Based on Graphene with Different Doping Regions

Authors R.M. Balabai , A.G. Lubenets

Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Gagarina Ave., 50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5
Dates Received 14 August 2017; published online 16 October 2017
Citation R.M. Balabai, A.G. Lubenets, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 5, 05017 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(5).05017
PACS Number(s) 73.40.Lq, 82.45.Mp
Keywords Lateral planar junctions, Graphene (23) , Graphane, Fluorographene, Chlorographene, Calculations from the first principles, Spatial charge, Density of electronic states, Coulomb potentials (2) .
Annotation The valence electron density spatial distribution, the densities of electron states, the widths of valence and gap bands, the charges on core regions, the Coulomb potentials along the chosen directions of the lateral junctions of graphene/graphane, graphene/fluorographene and graphene/chlorographene, have been calculated in the framework of the density functional and ab initio pseudopotential theories. The considerable change of the electric charge has been fixed on the boundary of division in the planes of lateral junctions of graphene/graphane and graphene/fluorographene, which causes the appearance of the potential barriers on the boundary. After graphene being functionalized with different adsorbates, the relief of the Coulomb potential distribution turns from isotropic into anisotropic. The planar junction of graphene/graphane has the biggest leap in the potential relief. The biggest width of gaps of lateral planar junctions of graphene/graphane, graphene/fluorographene, graphene/chlorographene is that of graphene/graphane lateral junction.

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