Structure and Elemental Composition of Pb1 – xSnxS Films

Authors P.V. Koval1 , А.S. Оpanasyuk1, A.I. Turavets2, I.S. Tashlykov2, A.A. Ponomarev3, P. Zhukowski4

1 Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky Korsakov Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

2 Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 18, Sovetskaya, Str., 220030 Minsk, Belarus

3 Institute of Applied Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 58, Petropavlovskaya Str., 40000 Sumy, Ukraine

4 Lublin University of Technology, 38D, Nadbystrzycka Str., Lublin, Poland

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 2
Dates Received 03 January 2015; revised manuscript received 04 June 2015; published online 10 June 2015
Citation P.V. Koval, А.S. Оpanasyuk, A.I. Turavets, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 2, 13 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 84.60.Jt, 73.61.Ga
Keywords Films (85) , Solid solution Pb1 – xSnxS, Diffractometry (2) , Structure (105) , Substructure (2) , PIXE (2) , Elemental composition (2) .
Annotation In this paper by the methods of diffractometry, scanning and atomic force microscopy, X-ray characteristic radiation induced by focused proton beam (PIXE), Rutherford backscattering of helium-4 ions we have investigated Pb1 – xSnxS films obtained by "hot wall". It was found that layers obtained by condensation in the temperature range of Ts = (268-382) °C have virtually a single phase orthorhombic crystal structure with lattice parameters which vary in the range of a = (0.4214-0.4293) nm, b = (1.1246-1.1313) nm, c = (0.3980-0.4015) nm. CSD sizes in the films are equal to L(040) = (35.5-47.5) nm, L(131) = (44.4-51.5) nm. The distribution of the components of a compound of films (μ-PIXE) and their elemental composition (PIXE) are determined. It was found that some samples were depleted by sulfur in comparison with the stoichiometric composition. Atomic concentration of the components of the solid solution varies in the range of СPb = 12.71-19.13; CSn = 40.29-44.46; CS = 38.36-42.75 at. %. By increasing the substrate temperature, the lead content in the films increases and the sulfur content decreases, the atomic concentration of tin in this case varies slightly.

List of References

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