The Impact of Key Parameters on the Coupling Efficiency of a Linear Transition Between an Optical Fiber and a Waveguide for Telecommunications Networks

Authors Zahia Khaldouna, Fatima Brik

Badji Mokhtar Annaba University, of LERICA Communication & Instrumentation, Annaba, Algeria

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 5
Dates Received 27 July 2023; revised manuscript received 14 October 2023; published online 30 October 2023
Citation Zahia Khaldouna, Fatima Brik, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 5, 05017 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 42.70.Ce –, 42.81.Dp –, 42.81.Qb –, 42.82.Gw
Keywords Transition (22) , Coupling, Beam Prob, Taper.

This study focuses on the optimization of a lateral transition that is designed for coupling an optical fiber and a waveguide. The objective is to study the impact of the key parameters of this linear transition on the coupling efficiency, taking into consideration the index variations, the length, and the transition form, in order to improve the transmission performance without losses between the optic fiber and the waveguide. We accomplish this using BeamProb of Rsoft CAD, which relies on the Beam Propagation Method BPM. Besides, we carried out simulations of different shapes and lengths of the lateral transition. The findings of the simulations allowed for the analysis and evaluation of the different configurations of the lateral transition. In order to use this type of transition in the field of optic communications, we examined how the diverse intensities varied in the outlet and inlet of the taper. In addition, the results allow determining the suitable length and form of the taper where the signal is most exploitable.

List of References