X-Ray Spectral Microanalysis of Copper-Nickel Thin Films Alloys

Authors V.B. Loboda , V.M. Zubko , S.M. Khursenko , V.O. Kravchenko , A.V. Chepizhnyi

Sumy National Agrarian University, 160, Gerasim Kondratyev st., 40021 Sumy, Ukraine

Е-mail loboda-v@i.ua
Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 5
Dates Received 15 August 2023; revised manuscript received 14 October 2023; published online 30 October 2023
Citation V.B. Loboda, V.M. Zubko, S.M. Khursenko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 5, 05014 (2023)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.15(5).05014
PACS Number(s) 81.15. – z, 82.80.Ej
Keywords X-Ray Spectral Microanalysis, Thin Films (60) , Copper-Nickel Alloys.

The article presents the results of studying the elemental composition of films of CuNi alloys by X-ray microanalysis (an X-ray microanalyzer based on an energy-dispersive spectrometer, which is part of the REM-103-01 scanning electron microscope). Alloy films 30-150 nm thick were obtained by simultaneous separate evaporation of the components (copper and nickel) in a vacuum of 10 –4 Pa. Copper was evaporated from a tungsten foil ribbon 0.05 mm thick. Nickel was evaporated by the electron beam method using an electron diode gun. The condensation rate was 0.5-1.5 nm/s. The purity of the evaporated metals was no less than 99.98 %. The calculated composition of the concentrations of the sample components varied over a wide range. The characteristic X-ray spectrum of the film substance was excited by scanning a section of the film with dimensions of 300 х 300 μm with an electron beam; for thicker films, the size of the scanning area was 1 х 1 μm. Thin Ni films of the same thickness were used as standards for quantitative measurements of the elemental composition of alloy films of a certain thickness. The results of X-ray microanalysis indicate a high purity of the films. Comparison of the calculated concentrations of alloys and the results of measurements by X-ray microanalysis showed that in the region of film thicknesses d  100 nm, the discrepancy is about 10 %, decreasing to 1 – 3 % for sample thicknesses d  100 nm.

List of References