Modeling Diffusion Interaction in the bi-Phase Systems with Using Different Types of the Effective Kinetic Coefficients

Authors L.I. Gladka, Yu.O. Lyashenko

B. Khmelnytsky Cherkasy State, 81, av. Shevchenko, 18000 Cherkasy, Ukraine

Issue Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 3
Dates Received 31 May 2012; published online 29 October 2012
Citation English version unavailable
PACS Number(s) 66.30.Qa, 68.55.Ac
Keywords Diffusion effective coefficient, bi-Phase zone, Diffusion way, Onzaher coefficients.
The analysis of basic and combined models for calculation of effective kinetic coefficients required to describe diffusion processes in two-phase heterogeneous environments is conducted. For a transition zone that grows between two interacting diffusion phases was built a new model of effective medium. In this model the effective kinetic coefficient depends on the kinetic coefficients in each of the phases, volumetric particle phases and additional free parameter, which generally characterizes the type of structure of a bi-phase zone. It is shown that the combined model is constructed to describe the percolation behavior of effective medium. The phenomenological approach describes the formation and development of bi-phase zones in ternary systems which including streams through both phases and the analysis of the impact of the model on the resulting effective medium diffusion zone.

List of References

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