Effect of Annealing on the Optical Properties and the Refractive Index Dispersion of CdS Nanometer Films

Authors V. Kusnezh1 , R. Petrus’1 , H. Il’chuk1 , O. Tuziak2

1 Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

2 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 50, Dragomanova Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

Е-mail w_kusnierz@polynet.lviv.ua
Issue Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 3
Dates Received 07 May 2012; published online 29 October 2012
Citation V. Kusnezh, R. Petrus’, H. Il’chuk, O. Tuziak, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 4 No 3, 03014 (2012)
PACS Number(s) 71.55.Gs, 81.16.Be, 68.55. – a
Keywords Semiconductor films, CdS (35) , Annealing (16) , Optical properties (22) , Dispersion of the refractive index.
The paper describes the optical properties of CdS ultrathin (~ 50 nm) films, fabricated by the chemical surface deposition on transparent glass substrates. The influence of the atmosphere (Ar2, CdCl2 and air) thermal annealing on the spectral dependence of the CdS films reflection coefficient R(λ) and absorption α(λ) was investigated. The extinction coefficient k(λ), refractive index n(λ), real ε1(λ) and imaginary ε2(λ) parts of the optical dielectric constant of the films annealed in different atmospheres were calculated using the experimental characteristics. The coefficients of Sellmeier equation to describe the n(λ) dependence in the visible and near infrared spectrum were determined.

List of References