Relaxation of Electronic Excitation in Triazide Molecules

Authors P.O. Kondratenko1 , T.M. Sakun1 , Yu.M. Lopatkin2

1National Aviation University, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine

2Sumy State University, 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 3
Dates Received 12 April 2024; revised manuscript received 18 June 2024; published online 28 June 2024
Citation P.O. Kondratenko, T.M. Sakun, Yu.M. Lopatkin, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 3, 03031 (2024)
PACS Number(s) 31.50.Df, 82.20.Wt
Keywords Electronic excitation relaxation, Highly excited states, Dissociative potential surface, Photodissociation of azides.

As a result of studies of the relaxation mechanisms of electronic excitation in triazide molecules: triazidopyrimidine (TAP) and triazido-S-triazine (TAT), it was shown that triplet and singlet excited states are states of the ππ* and πσ* type. Both molecules have a flat shape and the same structure of π-molecular orbitals (π-MO). However, they differ significantly in terms of symmetry, which determines the properties of excited states and the relaxation of electrons from excited states. The lowest excited state of both molecules is the binding T1(ππ*) state. It is followed in TAP by the dissociative T2(πσ*)-state. In TAT, the T5(πσ*) state is dissociative. Both molecules are excited to the singlet S4(ππ*) state, from which the molecule relaxes non-equilibrium through intermediate states to the triplet dissociative state. From this state, triazidopyrimidine dissociates with a quantum yield of h = 1.0, while the quantum yield of triazido-S-triazine dissociation will be significantly reduced due to relaxation to the lower triplet states of the same symmetry. Among the singlet states in both molecules, there is a dissociative state, but on the way to dissociation there is an energy barrier capable of slowing down the corresponding process. When the N-N bond in both molecules is extended to 1.75 Å, the dissociative state crosses the main S0 state of the molecule, as a result of which the dissociation product (nitrene) appears in the main triplet state. It is shown that the excitation of a solution of TAP in ethanol increases the quantum yield of photodissociation up to 3.0 due to secondary processes. Such a process is absent in the case of TAT solution.

List of References