Contribution of Nanomaterials to the Development of Solar Cell Technology: A Review

Authors Harshada Vishal Mhetre1, Yuvraj K. Kanse2

1Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India

2Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering, Satara, Maharashtra, India

Issue Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 3
Dates Received 14 May 2022; revised manuscript received 24 June 2022; published online 30 June 2022
Citation Harshada Vishal Mhetre, Yuvraj K. Kanse, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 14 No 3, 03017 (2022)
PACS Number(s) 73.50.Pz,
Keywords Solar cell (51) , Nanomaterials (4) , Photovoltaic effect.

Solar cells are the future of renewable and sustainable energy. Many researchers, academicians, and PV industry experts are working on solar cells to improve their performance. Low cost and high conversion efficiency are the main challenges in making solar cells more competitive and a better alternative to traditional energy sources like fossil fuel. By improving the existing technologies of solar cells, nanotechnology is the key solution for both these challenges. Different nanostructured materials are used in solar cells in different ways to improve their performance. Nanostructured solar cells have several advantages. These benefits include: (1) maximizing the efficiency of a single junction solar cell by employing new concepts, (2) overcoming practical limitations in existing devices, such as modifying the properties of existing materials or implementing nanostructures to overcome lattice matching limitations, and (3) having the potential for low-cost solar cell structures by employing self-assembled nanostructures. During this study, solar cell technology with the help of nanomaterials has been studied in detail. The review says that the incident radiation is improved by a factor of nine and the collector efficiency is increased by 10 % more than conventional solar cells without the use of nanomaterials. This review article gives information about the contribution of nanomaterials to the development of solar cell technology, its limitations, and opportunities for further research.

List of References