A Modified Algorithm for Processing Shadowgraph, Obtained with the Coded Aperture

Authors D.V. Dranko, S.A. Schelkanov
Affiliations Research and development institute «Iskra», 145c, Zveinek str., 91033 Lugansk, Ukraine
Е-mail iskra_nipki@mail.ru
Issue Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 4
Dates Received 18 October 2012; revised manuscript received 01 November 2012; published online 29 December 2012
Citation English version unavailable
PACS Number(s) 29.40.Mc
Keywords Imaging, Coded aperture, MURA, Algorithm (7) , Slightly divergent beam.
Annotation This paper describes a new algorithm for processing shadowgraph obtained using coded apertures in the MURA-based tomographic systems using position-sensitive detectors in a slightly divergent beam of gamma rays. The principal possibility to achieve a better angular resolution compared to conventional pro-cessing algorithm for the same parameters tomographic system.

List of References

English version of article