Authors | Heidi M. Mohammed, Wael A.E. Ali , Darwish A.E. Mohamed |
Affiliations |
Electronics & Comm. Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Alexandria, Egypt |
Е-mail | |
Issue | Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3 |
Dates | Received 17 May 2023; revised manuscript received 19 June 2023; published online 30 June 2023 |
Citation | Heidi M. Mohammed, Wael A.E. Ali, Darwish A.E. Mohamed, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 3, 03013 (2023) |
DOI | |
PACS Number(s) | 83.40.Ba |
Keywords | Microstrip patch antenna, mmW, 5G (30) , Wideband (2) , Return loss, Gain (9) , Radiation pattern. |
Annotation |
In this paper, a novel wide band monopole antenna is designed to operate at the millimetric wave (mmW) frequency band with impedance bandwidth of 26-70 GHz for 5G wireless communication applications. First of all a conventional antenna is designed on full ground then it designed on partial ground with size 5 mm x 10 mm but both designs didn’t achieve bandwidth of 50 GHz-55 GHz, The conventional antenna is a simple rectangular patch antenna with compact size 5 mm x 6.5 mm. In order to generate the wideband width of 26-70 GHz a proposed antenna is designed. The design composed of rectangular patch antenna with edge-cut technique (making slots at the corner of the patch) and introduced on partial ground plane for an improved impedance matching. The suggested microstrip antenna (proposed antenna) has been designed and examined on Rogers RT5880 substrate with dimensions 10 mm x 10 mm with dielectric constant 2.2, loss tangent 0.0009 and thickness of 1.57 mm using computer simulation tool (CST) software 2019. The results reveal that the antenna shows a return loss under – 10 dB over a range from 26-70 GHz and resonated at multiple frequencies 29 GHz, 32.8 GHz, 42 GHz, 47 GHz, 56.6 GHz, and 66 GHz. The gain varies from 6 dBi to 11.9 dBi with maximum obtained value at the frequency of 70 GHz, the antenna exhibits a broadside radiation pattern at both resonant frequencies 32.8 GHz and 56.6 GHz and realized gain are 7.24 dBi and 8.72 dBi at both frequencies respectively therefore the simulated outcomes of return loss, gain , radiation pattern and realized gain show the ability of the super wideband antenna to suit 5G mmW applications.Keywords: Microstrip patch antenna, mmW, 5G, Wideband, Return loss, Gain, Radiation pattern. |
List of References |