A Novel Fractal Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure (DGS) with High Isolation for 5G Applications

Authors Anouar Es-saleh1 , Mohammed Bendaoued2, Soufian Lakrit3 , Sudipta Das4 , Mohamed Atounti3 , Ahmed Faize3

1Mathematics and Information Systems Laboratory, FP of Nador, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco

2LMIET FST of Settat, University of Hassan 1st, Morocco

3Mathematics and Information Systems Laboratory, EST of Nador, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco

4Electronics and Communication Engineering, IMPS College of Engineering & Technology, Malda, West Bengal, India

Е-mail anouar_es-saleh@hotmail.com
Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3
Dates Received 12 May 2023; revised manuscript received 20 June 2023; published online 30 June 2023
Citation Anouar Es-saleh, Mohammed Bendaoued, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 3, 03012 (2023)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.15(3).03012
PACS Number(s) 83.40.Ba
Keywords 5G (30) , Fractal (8) , Patch antenna (2) , Isolation (2) , DGS (4) , IFS.

This paper presents a novel compact circular shaped fractal monopole patch antenna (FMPA) with defected ground structure (DGS). The suggested fractal geometry has been created by using an iterated function system (IFS). The primary aim behind the inclusion of this fractal geometry is used to achieve miniaturization and wideband performance. The complete geometry of the prescribed FMPA for 5G applications is constructed by incorporating fractals with square and star with eight segments; in each segment we create a square with a rotation of 45° from one segment to another. The dimension of proposed fractal geometry is 14  6 mm2. The bottom plane of the antenna consists of defected ground structures (DGS) to acquire better isolation and miniaturization. The proposed structure provides a good performance metrics such as gain, and reflection coefficient. The substrate used in this work is Rogers RO4003C, which has a dielectric constant of 3.55, a high of 0.2 mm, and loss tangent of 0.025. Computer Simulation Technology-Microwave Studio (CST) is used to evaluate this antenna. The suggested antenna operates at 26 GHz with an impedance bandwidth of 0.357 GHz along with maximum reflection coefficient of – 24.426 dB. The prescribed antenna attains a peak gain of 3.83 dB, maximum radiation efficiency of 95.78 % and desired radiation patterns by maintaining its compact size.Keywords: 5G, Fractal, Patch antenna, Isolation, DGS, IFS.сегменті   

List of References