Nanofilled Antifriction Polymeric Composite Materials for Parts of Friction Units of Sea and River Transport

Authors A.V. Buketov1 , M.V. Brailo1 , O.O. Sapronov1 , D.G. Kruglyj1, E.S. Appazov1, L. Dulebová2, K.M. Klevtsov1

1Kherson State Maritime Academy, 20, Ushakov Ave., 73003 Kherson, Ukraine

2Technical University of Košice, 1/9, Letná St., 04001 Košice, Slovak Republic

Issue Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 5
Dates Received 15 July 2020; revised manuscript received 15 October 2020; published online 25 October 2020
Citation A.V. Buketov, M.V. Brailo, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 12 No 5, 05025 (2020)
PACS Number(s) 82.35. – x
Keywords Friction (3) , Tribological properties, Epoxy composite, Sea and river transport.

The tribological properties of epoxy-composite materials filled with nano- and microdispersed particles and thermoplastic under the influence of the environment of seawater have been analyzed. It has been found that the composition of the material, friction conditions and the marine environment significantly affect the tribological properties of composites. The tribological properties of the developed epoxy matrix, which contains two different hardeners, have been studied. Improvement of the tribological properties of composites with the introduction of nanographite and pearlite particles into their composition has been proved. A method for improving the antifriction properties of polymer composite materials by combining a thermoset matrix filled with nano- and dispersed particles with thermoplastic granules has been proposed. It is proved that the tribological properties of epoxy-composite thermosetting plastics have been improved by adding granules of a thermoplastic filler called PA-6 polyamide into their composition during friction under the influence of seawater. On the basis of the obtained research results, the assumptions of the mechanism of wear of epoxy composites with a two-component bidispersed filler have been suggested. To confirm the results obtained, the study of the surface roughness of the composites in the contact area after friction testing using a profilometer, as well as an optical method, has been conducted. Recommendations are given for the use of the developed composite with thermoplastic granules for the manufacture of sliding bearings.

List of References