Emerging Trends in Nanostructured Coatings: Unraveling Processing Techniques, Corrosion Mechanisms, and Tribological Performance

Authors B. Sasmita1, N.R.A. Rani2, T.S.M. Hasan2, D. Nelson1, S. Mukesh1, S.B. Manikandan1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, ACED, Alliance University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

2Department of Civil Engineering, ACED, Alliance University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 6
Dates Received 28 August 2024; revised manuscript received 18 December 2024; published online 23 December 2024
Citation B. Sasmita, N.R.A. Rani, T.S.M. Hasan, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 6, 06003 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(6).06003
PACS Number(s) 44.05. + e, 81.15. – z
Keywords Nanostructured coatings, Cladding, Microstructure (21) , Temperature (46) , Nanofluids, Heat Transfer.

Surface corrosion and wear significantly limit the lifetimes of industrial components, resulting in high economic and safety costs. However, as surface-level phenomena, these degradation mechanisms can potentially be mitigated through surface modifications alone, without altering bulk properties. Recent advances in nanotechnology have made possible a range of nanostructured protective coatings for surfaces. By incorporating nanomaterials like ceramics and metals, these coatings provide enhanced resistance to chemical corrosion and physical wear. This review discusses the current state of research on nanostructured coatings for surface protection. It summarizes the synthesis techniques for producing nanostructured coatings such as sol-gel and electrochemical deposition methods. The corrosion and tribological behaviors of various coating materials like metal oxides and nitrides are compared. Composite polymer-metal coatings are highlighted for their superior crack resistance compared to traditional ceramic coatings. In addition, bio-inspired self-healing and lubricating coatings are described. Finally, current technical challenges and future research directions are outlined such as improving coating adhesion strength and scale-up for mass production and commercialization.

List of References