Chemical Synthesis of ZnSxSe1 – x Solid Solution Films from Aqueous Solutions Containing Sodium Hydroxide

Authors M.A. Sozanskyi , R.R. Huminilovych , V.Ye. Stadnik, O.V. Klapchuk, P.Yo. Shapoval

Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 6
Dates Received 28 September 2024; revised manuscript received 15 December 2024; published online 23 December 2024
Citation M.A. Sozanskyi, R.R. Huminilovych, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 6, 06014 (2024)
PACS Number(s) 81.15.Lm, 78.66.Hf,, 61.05.cp
Keywords Semiconductor films, Zinc sulfide, Zinc selenide, Solid Solution (6) , Chemical deposition (3) , XRD (95) , Optical band gap (7) .

The zinc selenide-sulfide (ZnSxSe1 – x) films were synthesized on glass substrates by a chemical bath deposition. Aqueous solutions of zinc chloride, sodium hydroxide, hydrazine hydrate, thiourea and powdered elemental selenium were used for the preparation of working solutions. The thiourea and selenium concentrations were varied to obtain different substitutional parameter values (x) of the films. The phase and elemental composition, optical transmittance spectra, and surface morphology of the deposited ZnSxSe1 – x films were investigated. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis, the film samples were single-phase and consisted of the ZnSxSe1 – x substitutionally solid solution in zincblende modification (ZnS structural type). The analysis of the elemental composition of the ZnSxSe1 – x films showed that the x value changed from 0.11 to 0.85, depending on the variations in thiourea and selenium concentrations. The film's surface was solid and contained particles of spherical shape. The optical transmittance of the ZnSxSe1 – x films increases across the investigated wavelength range from 340 to 900 nm. The transmittance curves have bends starting around the 340 nm region, shifting toward 650 nm for films with the highest selenium content, which is typical of ZnSxSe1 – x solid solutions. The determined optical band gap values of the ZnSxSe1 – x films ranged from 2.61 to 3.28 eV.

List of References