Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Panel Using Simulink and Proteus Simulation

Authors M. Fateh1,2, M. Djalal2, M. Ammar2

1Department of Telecommunication and Networking, University of Oum El Bouaghi Ain Mlila, Algeria

2Oum Ll Bouaghi University, Cyber-Physical Systems and Biotechnology (CPS & BT), 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria

Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2
Dates Received 16 December 2023; revised manuscript received 23 April 2024; published online 29 April 2024
Citation M. Fateh, M. Djalal, M. Ammar, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 2, 02028 (2024)
PACS Number(s) 80.40.H, 07.05.Hd, 07.05.Tp
Keywords Matlab/Simulink, Proteus simulation, Spice model, PV module, PV array, modeling (20) , MPP, Arduino (4) .

and power-versus-voltage (P-V), then compare the results with the manufacturer’s data sheet, therefore using all data obtained from Matlab/Simulink on Proteus Simulation. The Proteus used a SPICE model for a PV cell that depends on mathematical equations and is explained using an equivalent circuit that includes a current source Iph, a diode D, and two resistors Rs and Rsh. The Proteus is utilized to simulate a PV module/Array under varying conditions, such as irradiation, temperature, series and shunt resistances effects, and shading effects. To reach the greatest power output, it is required to understand the location of the maximum power point (MPP). Using Arduino, an algorithm is applied to determine the voltage Vmp and current Imp of PV cells. The paper is highly useful for describing the basis and characteristics of a PV module and Array in straightforward terms. This research can also be applied as an instructional methodology for teaching PV panels at different levels of study, which demonstrates how to use the prototyping and modeling/simulation software at a reduced cost (Proteus and Matlab/Simulink) to be able to approximately achieve the formation objective for students. This is especially helpful for schools that have difficulty with a lack of materials or don't have the resources to buy them.

List of References