System for Remote Search, Localization and Identification of Gamma Radiation Sources

Authors А.V. Kochergin
Affiliations Scientific Research and Project Designing Institute «Iskra» 145, Zveineka Str., 91033 Lugansk, Ukraine
Issue Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 4
Dates Received 29 June 2011, published online 30 December 2011
Citation English version is not accessible
PACS Number(s) 29.40.Mc, 29.30.Kv
Keywords Gamma radiation sources, Remote localization, Coded aperture.
The operation principle of system for remote search, localization and identification of gamma radiation sources on the base of all-round surveillance gamma-scanner realized on the spatial-time coding principle is described in the paper. Results of performances research are presented.

List of References

English version of article