Energy Spectrum of Acoustic Emission Signals in Complex Media

Authors V.V. Marasanov , A.A. Sharko

Kherson National Technical University, 24, Berislavskoe Highway, 73008 Kherson, Ukraine

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 4
Dates Received 12 April 2017; published online 27 July 2017
Citation V.V. Marasanov, A.A. Sharko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 4, 04024 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(4).04024
PACS Number(s) 43.40.Le, 46.70. – p 06.60.Ei
Keywords Spectrum (13) , Acoustic emission, Power constants, Computational experiment.
Annotation A model of the energy spectrum of acoustic emission signals in complex structures with internal degrees of freedom is proposed. On the basis of the computational experiment of X-ray diffraction data, a quantum mechanical calculation of the applicability of the model of a complex medium initiating the formation of acoustic emission signals was performed. The translational and rotational invariance of energy in the energy spectrum of acoustic emission signals of media with a complex structure is established. The presented model of the energy spectrum of acoustic emission signals makes it possible to determine the separate contribution of the low-frequency and high-frequency components of the energy spectrum of acoustic emission signals in media of complex structure.

List of References

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