The Electron-photon Emission of the Nitrogenous Basis of Nucleic Acids - a Cytosine in a Solid Phase

Authors I.E. Mitropolskiy, I.I. Shafranyosh, V.V. Kuzma , Yu.Yu. Svyda, M.I. Sukhoviya

Uzhhorod National University, 54, Voloshin Str., 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 4
Dates Received 29 March 2017; published online 27 July 2017
Citation I.E. Mitropolskiy, I.I. Shafranyosh, V.V. Kuzma, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 4, 04016 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(4).04016
PACS Number(s) 78.45. + h,
Keywords Electron-photon spectroscopy, Electron beam (3) , Surface (43) , Cytosine, Graphite, Luminescence (24) .
Annotation For the first time the method of an electron - photon spectroscopy (EPhS) has studied a luminescence of the molecules of the nitrogenous basis of nucleic acids adsorbed on the surface of graphite – a cytosine – under the influence of a bunch of electrons of low energies. The luminescence of three molecular strips with maxima at λ= 331, 427, 495 nm is revealed. The mechanism of formation of strips with maxima at λ= 331 nm and λ= 427 nm caused by excitement of π-electrons of a molecule of a cytosine from the main condition of S0 in the excited singlet Sn and triplet Tn state with their subsequent deactivation and radiation collapse. The radiation nature is discussed with a maximum at λ= 495 nm.

List of References

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