Effect of Tertiary Amines on Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of Nanostructured ZnO Thin Film

Автори Reza Ebrahimifard, Hossein Abdizadeh, Mohammad Reza Golobostanfard
Афіліація School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Е-mail ebrahimifard@ut.ac.ir
Випуск Том 4, Рік 2012, Номер 1
Дати Received 05 November 2011; published online 14 March 2012
Цитування Reza Ebrahimifard, Hossein Abdizadeh, Mohammad Reza Golobostanfard, J. Nano-Electron. Phys. 4 No 1, 01018 (2012)
PACS Number(s) .66.Sq
Ключові слова ZnO thin film (3) , Sol-gel (17) , Stabilizer (2) , Nanostructure (19) , Optoelectronic properties (2) .
Анотація Nanostructured ZnO thin film has been synthesized via sol-gel method. In this study, effect of stabilizer, as a vital part of sol with different molar ratios of stabilizer to Zn (stabilizer/Zn  0.25, 0.5, 1, 2), on structural, morphological and optoelectronic properties of ZnO thin film has been investigated. Triehtylamine (TeA) and triethanolamine (TEA), as two important tertiary amines for synthesize of ZnO, has been used. Spin coating technique performed to deposition of sol on glass substrate and after deposition process, the samples clacined at 500 C. X-ray diffraction method conducted in order to find structural properties of the films. The results showed the formation of hexagonal wurtzite ZnO as well as increasing the unit cell parameters by increasing TeA content. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) used in order to see morphological changes for different molar ratios of stabilizer to Zn. The images demonstrate grain segregation in TeA samples by increasing TeA molar ratio. Also, in TEA samples, formation of micro holes in TEA/Zn  0.5 and smaller grain size for higher TEA ratios has been observed. UV-Vis spectroscopy was employed to obtain optoelectronic properties and the results have shown dependence of optical band gap to stabilizer’s type and content.

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