Development of Conductive Coatings for Gas-Sensitive Tin Dioxide Film Layers

Authors G.S. Khrypunov , O.V. Pirohov , V.A. Novikov , R.V. Zaitsev , L.V. Zaitseva , A.L. Khrypunova

National technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, 21, Frunze Str., 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine

Issue Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 2
Dates Received 13 March 2014; revised manuscript received 19 May 2014; published online 20 June 2014
Citation G.S. Khrypunov, O.V. Pirohov, V.A. Novikov, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 6 No 2, 02016 (2014)
PACS Number(s) 07.07.Df, 68.37. – d
Keywords Gas-sensitive sensor, Conductive contact, Tin dioxide.
Annotation For large-scale application of gas sensors based on tin dioxide films it is necessary to reduce the cost of such devices. This is possible by using aluminum films as conductive coatings. Therefore, the influence of the operating conditions on the surface morphology and crystal structure of Al / SnO2 film heterosystems was investigated. It was revealed that the long-term operation of the heterosystems at 400 C leads to the appearance of tin particles with the sizes up to 2 microns on the aluminum film surface and then on the tin dioxide surface. These particles can violate the properties of gas-sensitive layer. The physical mechanisms of the observed interfacial interaction were considered. The design of the gas sensor, which provides separation of temperatures of sensitive layer and current-carrying contacts, was proposed that allows to use aluminum films in the specified devices.

List of References

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