Improving the Electrical Properties of ITO/Si/GaAs/Si/ITO Solar Cell by Changing the GaAs Layer Position

Authors M. Hebali1,2 , M. Bennaoum1 , H.A. Azzeddine1, B. Ibari1, A. Maachou1 , D. Chalabi2

1Department of Electrotechnical, University Mustapha Stambouli Mascara, 29000 Mascara, Algeria

2Laboratory: CaSiCCe, ENP Oran-MA, 31000 Oran, Algeria

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1
Dates Received 10 December 2022; revised manuscript received 14 February 2023; published online 24 February 2023
Citation M. Hebali, M. Bennaoum, H.A. Azzeddine, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 1, 01023 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 85.30.De
Keywords Si (562) , GaAs (22) , Heterostructure solar cell, I-V and P-V characteristic, Electrical parameters.

Due to the importance of integrating III-V semiconductors with Si technology for future photovoltaic devices. In this paper, the influence of GaAs layer position on the electrical behavior of ITO/Si/GaAs/Si/ITO p-i-n junction solar cell has been studied using SILVACO 2D-Atlas simulation software. Current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) characteristics have been investigated at room temperature and under standard illumination conditions (AM1.5G). Short-circuit current (ISC), open-circuit voltage (VOC), maximum power (Pmax) and fill factor (FF) were extracted. The results showed that the performance of the ITO/Si/GaAs/Si/ITO solar cell improves when the position of the GaAs layer changes, as the electrical parameters of this solar cell increases when the GaAs layer approaches the cathode electrode. The ITO/p-Si/Si/GaAs/n-GaAs/ITO solar cell showed the best electrical performance compared to the rest of the solar cells, which was characterized by ISC = 3.51 mA/cm2, VOC = 1.16 V, Pmax = 3.29 mW/cm2 and FF = 80.80 %.

List of References