Miniaturized EBG Cavity Filter Loaded with Alumina 96 % for V-Band Applications

Authors L. Djouablia1,2, A. Zermane2,3, A. Labbani2,4

1University 20 Aout, 1955 Skikda, Algeria

2LHS, Laboratory of High Frequencies and Semi-conductors, University Constantine 1, Algeria

3University of Batna2, Technology Department, Algeria

4University of Constantine 1, Algeria

Issue Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2
Dates Received 03 February 2022; revised manuscript received 18 April 2022; published online 29 April 2022
Citation L. Djouablia, A. Zermane, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 14 No 2, 02015 (2022)
PACS Number(s) 41.20.Jb, 41.20.Jb, 42.79.Gn
Keywords Millimeter Filter, Alumina 96 %, Metallic via, EBG (4) , V-Band.

The aim of the research, presented in this paper, is to investigate millimeter 3D rectangular metallic cavity filled with alumina 96 % dielectric substrate (Al2O3) suitable for microwave integrated circuit (MIC), with 9.4 relative permittivity value, and 0.006 dielectric tangent losses, for the design of small size filters. The total volume of the structure is 1.45  1.45  1 mm3. This cavity is considered as a band-pass filter operating in the range of 60 GHz frequency and intended for LTCC (system-in-package applications). In contrast, the filter presents an efficient EBG system with a rejection band at – 10 dB of 3.4 GHz within the frequency band centered at 57 GHz when the cavity is loaded with periodic metallic via (stems) that form coupled resonators. The choice of the dielectric substrate, metallic via, their dimensions and their type, enable to provide optimal characteristics, bandwidth of 4.3 GHz, transmission level of – 21 dB at centered frequency, low insertion losses of – 0.9 dB and Q factors. Obtained results are very promising for V-Band and mm-wave small-cell applications.

List of References