Optical and Photocatalytic Activity of Polyaniline/TiO2 Composites with Anatase and P25 Nanoparticles

Authors M.M. Zahornyi1 , N.I. Tyschenko1 , A.V. Ragulya1, O.M. Lavrynenko1 , A.M. Kasumov1, A.K. Melnyk2 , O.V. Kuzma3, A.I. Ievtushenko1

1Institute for Problems of Materials Science, 3, Krzhyzhanivskoho St., 03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

2Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology, 13, General Naumov St., 03164 Kyiv, Ukraine

3National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ", 37, prosp. Peremohy, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine

Е-mail mzahornyi81@gmail.com
Issue Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 5
Dates Received 11 August 2021; revised manuscript received 20 October 2021; published online 25 October 2021
Citation M.M. Zahornyi, N.I. Tyschenko, A.V. Ragulya, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13 No 5, 05034 (2021)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.13(5).05034
PACS Number(s) 32.30.Rj, 33.20.Lg, 42.62.Fi, 61.46. – W, 77.22. – d
Keywords Photocatalyst, TiO2 (17) , Anatase, Polyaniline (3) , Hole, UV-Vis (10) , Nanocomposite (27) , Irradiation (10) .

In the present paper, polyaniline (PANI) has been successfully synthesized on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles of different nature. The morphology, particle size, optical activity and photocatalytic performance of the obtained materials were systematically studied by various analytical techniques. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), EPR characterizations of PANI-TiO2 nanocomposites confirmed interactions between the polymer and TiO2 nanoparticles. The EPR results show that nanocomposite sample m1, in which PANI retains a more ordered structure, can be preferred for use as a photocatalyst. Photocatalytic properties of PANI-TiO2 nanocomposites were examined by degradation of phenol with a concentration of 50 mg l – 1 under UV light irradiation. The results showed that phenol degradation occurs maximally during the first 10 min for systems with P25 in comparison with anatase systems. The maximum value of V is 4.50 %/min for sample m1 (PANI-TiO2-P25). Due to the synergistic effect between PANI and TiO2, it is capable of absorbing visible light more efficiently and decreasing the process of electron-hole recombination. It was stated that the polyaniline film is a good sensitizer after UV irradiation. The excellent photocatalytic effect of PANI-TiO2 is attributed to the synergistic effect between PANI and TiO2 which promotes the migration efficiency of the photogenerated carriers at the PANI-TiO2 interface (EPR). Mathematical analysis illustrates the rate of phenol degradation by the curves with fourth and sixth order polynomials.

List of References