Effect of High-Entropy Components of Nitride Layers on Nitrogen Content and Hardness of (TiN-Cu)/(AlNbTiMoVCr)N Vacuum-Arc Multilayer Coatings

Authors V.М. Beresnev1 , О.V. Sobol′2, S.V. Lytovchenko1 , U.S. Nyemchenko1 , V.А. Stolbovoy3, D.А. Kolesnikov4 , А.А. Meylehov2 , А.А. Postelnyk2 , P.V. Turbin1,5, L.V. Malikov1,5

1 V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody Sq., 61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 National Technical University «Kharkiv Politechnic Institute», 21, Frunze Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

3 National Science Center «Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology», 1, Akademichna Str., 61108 Kharkiv, Ukraine

4 Belgorod State National Research University, 85, Pobiedy St., 308015 Belgorod, Russian Federation

5 Scientific Center of Physical Technologies of MES and NAS of Ukraine, 6, Svobody Sq., 61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2
Dates Received 14 April 2016; published online 21 June 2016
Citation V.М. Beresnev, О.V. Sobol′, S.V. Lytovchenko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 8 No 2, 02057 (2016)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.8(2).02057
PACS Number(s) 81.07.Bc, 61.05.сp,68.55.jm, 61.82.Rx
Keywords Multilayer coating (TiN-Cu)/(AlNbTiMoVCr)N, Nitrogen content, Structure (105) , Process gas pressure, Hardness (12) .

An integrated research of links in the “content-structure-properties” chain in structural engineering of (TiN-Cu)/(AlNbTiMoVCr)N multilayer coatings was carried out with application of elemental and X-ray diffraction analysis as well as microhardness testing. It has been found that formation of the second layer based on a high-entropy alloy even with a relatively small content of components (below 1 wt %) leads to formation of a solid solution FCC lattice phase. Compared to TiN-Cu singlelayer coatings, the multilayer coating based on a (TiN-Cu)/(AlNbTiMoVCr)N system has an increased nitrogen content and an enhanced hardness of up to 24.5 GPa.

List of References