Design and Simulation of Thin-Film Silicon Quantum Well Photovoltaic Cell

Authors R. Sircar1, B. Tripathi2, S. Gupta1

1 Photovoltaics Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Feroze Gandhi College Raebareli – 229001, India

2 School of Solar Energy, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raisan, Gandhinagar – 382007, India

Issue Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 2
Dates Received 12 January 2011, in final form 16 February 2011, published online 02 April 2011
Citation R. Sircar, B. Tripathi, S. Gupta, J.Nano- Electron. Phys. 3 No2, 11 (2011)
PACS Number(s) 71.23.An, 71.23.Cq
Keywords Silicon (58) , Quantum well (6) , Photovoltaic cell (4) , Design (10) , Simulation (35) .
A new thin-film silicon photovoltaic cell could be designed by inserting quantum well layers in the intrinsic region. Calculations show the improvement in spectral absorption due to the quantum well layer insertion. This article reports the design parameters and enhanced spectral absorption for a newly designed thin-film silicon quantum well photovoltaic cell.

List of References