Effect of Substrates Types on CO Gas Sensing of SnO2 Thin Film Prepared by Sol-Gel Method

Автори Sumanta Kumar Tripathy1 , Bhabani Prasad Hota2 , V. Siva Jahnavy3

1 GVP College of Engineering (Autonomous), Madhurawada, Visakhapatanam, A.P., India

2 Godavaris Mahavidyalaya, Banpur, Khurda, Odisha, India

3 GVP College of Engineering for Women, Visakhapatanam, A.P., India

Е-mail sktripathy2009@gmail.com
Випуск Том 5, Рік 2013, Номер 4
Дати Одержано 18.07.2013, у відредагованій формі - 28.01.2014, опубліковано online - 31.01.2014
Посилання Sumanta Kumar Tripathy, Bhabani Prasad Hota, V. Siva Jahnavy, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 5 No 4, 04055 (2013)
PACS Number(s) 68.37 Hk, 68.55. – a, 78.40. – q, 78.66. – w.
Ключові слова Dip coating (4) , Diffractometer, FWHM, Spectrophotometer (2) , XRD (92) .
Анотація Tin oxide thin film was synthesized on glass and quartz substrate by sol-gel dip coating process taking tin (II) chloride as precursor and methanol as solvent. XRD study confirmed the tetragonal rutile structure of SnO2. It was concluded that the transmission was higher and grain size was bigger in case of quartz than glass substrate from the study of optical characteristics by UV/VIS Spectrophotometer and SEM micrographs. CO gas sensing property of SnO2 thin film was studied and it was revealed that the sensitivity of SnO2 thin film grown on quartz substrate shows better performance than the film grown on glass substrate under the same conditions. Sensitivity of the film to CO gas was measured at different temperatures and was found to be highly sensitive at 220 C for glass substrate and 210 C for quartz substrate, at 50 ppm concentration. The result of change in conductivity of the sensors in presence of CO gas was also reported.

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