Structure and Properties of the Cadmium Sulfide Films Received by Magnetron Dispersion Method

Authors R.V. Zaitsev1 , M.V. Kirichenko1 , R.P. Migushchenko1, N.V. Veselova1, G.S. Khrypunov1 , A.I. Dobrozhan1 , L.V. Zaitseva2

1 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, 2, Kyrpychov Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 National Aerospace University “Kharkov Aviation Institute”, 17, Chkalov Str., 61070 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6
Dates Received 17 June 2017; published online 24 November 2017
Citation R.V. Zaitsev, M.V. Kirichenko, R.P. Migushchenko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 6, 06020 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(6).06020
PACS Number(s) 68.37._d, 75.70.Ak
Keywords Cadmium sulfide films, Method of magnetron dispersion on a direct current, Optical losses, Width of the forbidden region, Crystalline structure.
Annotation For the purpose of creation of the economic, suitable for large-scale application technology of for-mation of a layer of wide-scale "window", for thin-film photo-electric converters on the basis of sulfide and telluride of cadmium the pilot studies of temperature effect of a deposition of the films of sulfide of cadmium received by method of magnetron dispersion on a direct current on their optical properties and crystalline structure were conducted. By method of a two-channel optical spectroscopy it is established that a deposition of films of sulfide of cadmium at a temperature of 160 °C allows to form layers with a width of forbidden region of 1,41 eV that approaches value, characteristic of monocrystals, and the density of the photon flux passing through a cadmium sulfide layer in a spectral interval of a photosensitivity of telluride of cadmium at the level of 37,0 Wnmcm2.

List of References