Analysis on Solar Panel Crack Detection Using Optimization Techniques

Authors M.D. Dafny Lydia1, K. Sri Sindhu2, K. Gugan3

1 AMET University, Kanathur, Chennai-603112, Tamil Nadu, India

2 Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai-602025, Tamil Nadu, India

3 AMET University, Kanathur, Chennai-603112, Tamil Nadu, India

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2
Dates Received 18 December 2016; revised manuscript received 25 April 2017; published online 28 April 2017
Citation M.D. Dafny Lydia, K. Sri Sindhu, K. Gugan, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 2, 02004 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(2).02004
PACS Number(s) 01.50.hv, 01.50.Kw
Keywords Solar cell (51) , Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and Fractional Order Differential Particle Swarm Optimization (FODPSO).
Annotation A Solar panel is considered as a proficient power hotspot for the creation of electrical energy for long years. Any deformity on the solar cell panel’s surface will prompt to decreased production of power and loss in the yield. Subsequently, the location of cracks on solar panel surfaces is the most essential stride during the inspection of solar panel, and it has important significance. In any case, these strategies cost lot of computation time and with low precision. Aiming for a few issues of the existing algorithm, a new framework is proposed to distinguish the cracks. Crack can be distinguished by utilizing optimization techniques based on segmentation. The optimization techniques are Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and Fractional Order Differential Particle Swarm Optimization (FODPSO). It is important to identify the crack in solar panel cells since they can directly diminish the execution of the panel and additionally the power yield. In view of the segmentation process, the potential regions which have cracks have been found, and then distinctive optimization algorithms were run on these areas to discover crack pixels. An extensive number of trials demonstrate that, this technique procures high accuracy and more complete crack contours with low computation costs.

List of References