Nanocomposite Coatings Based on Ti-N-Cr/Ni-Cr-B-Si-Fe, Gained by two Technologies

Authors N.K. Erdybayeva
Affiliations East-Kazakhstan State Technical University, 69, A.K. Protazanov Str., 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk, The Republic of Kazakhstan
Issue Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 4
Dates Received 10.11.2009, in final form 03.12.2009
Citation English version is not accessible
PACS Number(s) 61.46. – w, 62.20.Qp, 62.25. – q
Keywords Nanocomposites (9) , Plasma-detonation coating, Plasma flow, Vacuum arc deposition, Elastic modulus, Plasticity index, Corrosion resistance (2) .
The first results of manufacturing and investigations of a new type of nanocomposite protective coatings are presented. They were manufactured using a combination of two technologies: plasma-detonation coating deposition with the help of plasma jets and thin coating vacuum-arc deposition. We investigated structure, morphology, physical and mechanical properties of the coatings of 80-90 μm thickness, as well as defined the hardness, elastic Young modulus and their corrosion resistance in different media. Grain dimensions of the nanocomposite coatings on Ti-N-Cr base varied from 2.8 to 4 nm. The following phases and compounds formed as a result of plasma interaction with the thick coating surface were found in the coatings: Ti-N-Cr (200), (220), y-Ni3-Fe, a hexagonal Cr2-Ti, Fe3-Ni, (Fe, Ni)N and the following Ti-Ni compounds: Ti2Ni, Ni3Ti, Ni4Ti, etc. We also found that the nanocomposite coating microhardness increased to H = 31.6 ± 1.1 GPa. The Young elastic modulus was determined to be E = 319 ± 27 GPa – it was derived from the loading-unloading curves. The protective coating demonstrated the increased corrosion resistance in acidic and alkaline media in comparison with that of the stainless steel substrate.

List of References

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