Effect of Annealing on the Physical Properties of Chemically Synthesized Nanocrystalline SnO2 Thin Films

Authors S.S. Tayade1, L.N. Bhoye1, K.R. Sali2, G.E. Patil1, M.S. Shinde3, S.R. Gosavi2

1S.N.J.B. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Chandwad, Dist. Nashik, 423101 (M.S.) India

2Material Research Laboratory, C.H.C. Arts, S.G.P. Commerce and B.B.J.P. Science College, Taloda, Dist.-Nandurbar, 425413 (M.S.) India

3M.J.M. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Karanjali, Tal.-Peth, Dist.-Nasik, 422208 (M.S.) India

Е-mail srgosavi.taloda@gmail.com
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 1
Dates Received 05 December 2023; revised manuscript received 16 February 2024; published online 28 February 2024
Citation S.S. Tayade, L.N. Bhoye, K.R. Sali, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 1, 01029 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(1).01029
PACS Number(s) 68.60. – p, 81.16.Be, 61.05.C, 68.37.Hk, 71.35.Cc
Keywords Thin film (101) , Chemical synthesis (5) , XRD (95) , SEM (117) , EDAX (9) , Optical absorption spectra.

This study investigates the effect of annealing on the physical properties of the chemically synthesized nanocrystalline SnO2 thin films deposited onto glass substrate at room temperature. SnO2 thin films were annealed for 2 h in an oxygen environment at different annealing temperature. From X-ray diffraction study it was observed that as-deposited SnO2 film and films annealed at 300 C and 400 C exhibited amorphous nature, while SnO2 films annealed at 500 C exhibits orthorhombic crystal structure. SEM results demonstrates that morphology of SnO2 thin films are determined by the annealing temperature. The optical band gap of the prepared nanocrystalline SnO2 thin films found in the range of 3.28 eV to 2.79 eV depending upon the annealing temperature. Finally, as a result of the analysis, we can say that the physical properties of SnO2 thin films can be modified by thermal annealing.

List of References