Bianchi Type V Inflationary Cosmological Model with Bulk Viscosity in General Relativity

Authors Varsha Maheshwari, Laxmi Poonia

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan-303007, India

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 4
Dates Received 1 June 2023; revised manuscript received 17 August 2023; published online 30 August 2023
Citation Varsha Maheshwari, Laxmi Poonia, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 4, 04029 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 98.80. – k
Keywords Bulk viscosity, Bianchi Type V, Inflation.

Our goal in the current paper is to develop Bianchi Type V space time undertaken in framework of massless scalar field with flat potential. Model produces an inflationary universe scenario provided bulk viscosity is present. The Bianchi Type V cosmological model is a homogeneous and anisotropic solution of the Einstein field equations, which describes the evolution of the universe. In this model, the geometry of the universe is characterized by three mutually orthogonal spatial directions, and the time evolution is determined by the matter content of the universe an appropriate transformation is used to solve the Einstein field equations. In order to develop a physical universe model we consider ξθ   (constant) and we have assumed a supplementary conditionBC   and B/Cv between metric potential. We investigate the geometrical and physical aspects of the model with in presence of bulk viscosity. The model isotropies under specific conditions and the increase in spatial volume over time describe the inflationary phase of the universe. The model in general represents anisotropic space-time but isotropies at late time. The Hubble parameter decreases with time. At time T = 0, the model possesses a Point Type singularity.

List of References