Research of Microhardness of Thin Ceramic Coatings Formed by Combined Electron-beam Method on Dielectric Materials

Authors V.S. Antonyuk1, Yu.Yu. Bondarenko2, S.O. Bilokin’2, V.O. Andrienko2, M.O. Bondarenko2

1National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 37, Peremogy Ave, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine

2Cherkasy State Technological University, 460, Shevchenko Blvd., 18030 Cherkasy, Ukraine

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 6
Dates Received 22 June 2019; revised manuscript received 01 December 2019; published online 13 December 2019
Citation V.S. Antonyuk, Yu.Yu. Bondarenko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 6, 06024 (2019)
PACS Number(s) 42.79.Bh
Keywords Ceramic coatings, Dielectric (25) , Silicon (58) , Microhardness (2) , Electron beam modification, Atomic force microscopy (9) .

The peculiarities of obtaining thin ceramic coatings (TiO2 + Al2O3, Al2O3, ZrO2) on the surfaces of dielectrics (on the example of Kr1 silicon) during their formation by thermal evaporation in vacuum have been established. The mechanism of increase of microhardness of such coatings by their surface modification by a ribbon-shaped electron steam is investigated. It is shown that the combined thermal vacuum deposition of thin ceramic coatings from powder materials on the surface of Kr1 silicon, followed by their modification by low energy electron flow in one technological cycle, allows to significantly reduce the micro relief and to stabilize the homogeneity of the coating surfaces, as well as to increase the chemical and biological resistance of these coatings to the influence of the environment. The conditions of qualitative determination of microhardness of the studied material with the use of atomic force microscopy are determined. Microhardness studies, both of modified coatings and of dielectric surfaces on which they were applied, were carried out. The fact of nonlinear increase of microhardness (by 13-17 %) of thin coatings deposited on the surface of dielectric material by the combined electron beam method as the thickness of these coatings is established. The possibility of determining the microhardness of multilayer multifunctional ceramic coatings obtained by combined electron beam technology under different conditions and different modes of technological experiment is shown.

List of References