Title |
Formation Processes of Nanocomposite Strengthening Particles in Rapidly Quenched Al-Sc-Zr Alloys |
Authors |
A.L. Berezina, T.O. Monastyrska, O.A. Molebny, V.K. Nosenko, A.V. Kotko |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1 |
Pages |
01006-1 - 01006-5 |
Title |
Method of Measurement Isobaric Heat Capacity of the Organic Liquid |
Authors |
Yu.A. Neruchev, V.I. Korotkovskiy |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04034-1 - 04034-3 |
Title |
Influence of Electroconvection on Nano- and on Microstructural Relief of the Electrodes Surface |
Authors |
A.I. Zhakin, A.E. Kuzko, A.V. Kuzko, P.V. Abakumov |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04030-1 - 04030-3 |
Title |
Liquid-Liquid Polymorphous Transition VS. Micelle Formation of Surfactants |
Authors |
Yu.A. Mirgorod |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03059-1 - 03059-2 |
Title |
The Development of the Effective Way of Chromium-containing Wastewater Treatment by Means of Modified Sorbents |
Authors |
A.K. Adryshev, G.K. Daumova, A.A. Hayrullina |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03003-1 - 03003-2 |
Title |
The Structure of Small Clusters and IR Spectrum Condensed Matters |
Authors |
G.A. Melnikov, N.M. Ignatenko, V.G. Melnikov, E.N. Cherkasov, O.A. Manzhos |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04087-1 - 04087-3 |
Title |
Thermodynamical Investigation of Liquid Alkali Metals with Gibbs-Bogoliubov Method |
Authors |
Rajesh C. Malan, Aditya M. Vora |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 1 |
Pages |
01002-1 - 01002-4 |
Title |
Thermodynamical Investigation of Liquid Alkali Metals with Gibbs–Bogoliubov Method |
Authors |
Rajesh C. Malan, Aditya M. Vora |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 3 |
Pages |
03020-1 - 03020-4 |
Title |
The Theoretical Study of Electron Dispersion of Some Liquid Metals Using Transition Metal Model Potential (TMMP) |
Authors |
Kamaldeep G. Bhatia, N.K. Bhatt, P.R. Vyas, V.B. Gohel |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 4 |
Pages |
04011-1 - 04011-4 |
Title |
Resistive Switching Property of Bmim(Br) Ionic Liquid under the Influence of ZnO Nanorods |
Authors |
Nikita A. Khairnar, Aditya A. Patil, Shreeya H. Rane, Sunil S. Nirmale, Sandeep P. Shinde, Rajanish K. Kamat, Tukaram D. Dongale, Deok-kee Kim |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02003-1 - 02003-4 |
Title |
The Comparative Study of Electrical Resistivity of bcc Liquid Transition Metals |
Authors |
A.V. Nag, P. Kumar, D.S. Tripathi, N.K. Bhatt, P.R. Vyas, V.B. Gohel |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02020-1 - 02020-3 |
Title |
Electrical Transport in Polyvalent Liquid Bismuth and Antimony Metals |
Authors |
D.R. Gohil, P.N. Vyas, N.K. Bhatt, P.R. Vyas |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02032-1 - 02032-5 |