Irregular Quasi-Optical Systems of Millimeter Waves Electronics

Authors G.S. Vorobjov , V.O. Zhurba , M.V. Petrovsky, A.A. Rybalko , Yu.V. Shulga
Affiliations Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine
Issue Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 1
Dates Received 19 May 2009, in final form 21 July 2009
Citation G.S. Vorobjov, V.O. Zhurba, M.V. Petrovsky, A.A. Rybalko, Yu.V. Shulga, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 1 No1, 37 (2009)
PACS Number(s) 42.82. – m; 84.40.Dc
Keywords Irregular quasi-optical systems, Millimeter-wave technology, Surface waves, Open resonator, Waveguide (7) .
Annotation The basic types and research results of irregular quasi-optical systems, applied in electronics and millimeter-wave technology, are presented in the review. The general property of such systems is the presence of inhomogeneities, on which the transfor-mation of surface waves of electron beams (or dielectric waveguides) into bulk waves, exciting the specified type of quasi-optical device (open resonator or waveguide, periodic or dielectric structure and others), occurs. We compared the levels of development for relativistic and non-relativistic electro-vacuum devices. The applicability of construction of low-voltage amplifiers and oscillators of millimeter range, including the planar technology uses for their microminiaturization, is shown. Based on the review we have built the scheme of irregular quasi-optical systems classification and evaluated the most advanced directions for further researches.

List of References