Results (2):

Title Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Nanocomposite and Combined Ti-N-Si/WC-Co-Cr та Ti-N-Si/(Cr3C2)75-(NiCr)25 Coatings
Authors A.D. Pogrebnjak, M.V. Il’yashenko, M.V. Kaverin, A.P. Shypylenko, A.V. Pshyk, V.M. Beresnev, G.V. Kirik, N.K. Erdybayeva, N.A. Makhmudov, O.V. Kolisnichenko, Yu.N. Tyurin, A.P. Shpak
Issue Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 4
Pages 066 - 077
Title Structural Properties and Elemental Composition of Au+ Implanted ZnO Films, Obtained by Sol-gel Method
Authors A.D. Pogrebnjak, T.O. Berestok,, A.S. Opanasyuk, Y. Takeda, K. Oyoshi, F.F. Komarov, J. Kassi
Issue Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 2
Pages 02003-1 - 02003-5