Numerical Modeling of Thin-Film Growth by Random Deposition with Particle Evaporation

Authors A. Saoudi1,2 , , S. Boulahrouz1,3 , S. Fares4 , M. Chitour1 , K. Mansouri1,2 , L. Aissani5 , A. Abboudi1,2A. Saoudi1,2 , A. Abboudi1,2

1Mechanical Engineering Department, Abbes Laghrour-Khenchela University, PO Box 1252, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

2Laboratory of Engineering and Sciences of Advanced Materials (ISMA), Abbes Laghrour University, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

3Electromechanical Engineering Laboratory, 23000 Annaba, Algeria

4Laboratoire Microstructures et Défauts Dans les Matériaux, Univeristé Frères Mentouri Constantine 1Route Ain El Bey, 25017 Constantine, Algeria

5Matter Science Department, Abbes Laghrour-Khenchela University, PO Box 1252, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

6Mechanical Engineering Department, Abbes Laghrour-Khenchela University, PO Box 1252, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

7Laboratory of Engineering and Sciences of Advanced Materials (ISMA), Abbes Laghrour University, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

8Electromechanical Engineering Laboratory, 23000 Annaba, Algeria

9Laboratoire Microstructures et Défauts Dans les Matériaux, Univeristé Frères Mentouri Constantine 1Route Ain El Bey, 25017 Constantine, Algeria

10Matter Science Department, Abbes Laghrour-Khenchela University, PO Box 1252, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria

Issue Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1
Dates Received 1 December 2022; revised manuscript received 27 December 2022; published online 28 December 2022
Citation A. Saoudi, [footnoteRef:], S. Boulahrouz, и др., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 4 No 1, 01001 (2012)
PACS Number(s) 62.20.Qp, 68.60.Dv
Keywords Growth surface, Evaporation (18) , Roughness (3) , Scaling behavior, Fractal dimension, Interstices.UvUi). Ui, (3020) .
Annotation In the present work, we provide a generalization of particle deposition to enhance the physics of the simulation process and make it more similar to real deposition processes, such as particle evaporation, which is tuned to attract vapor and gaseous particles by reducing air pressure and crowding of other air molecules. This not only reduces the energy required for evaporation but also allows for a more direct path to the area of deposition, as the vapor particles are not as frequently redirected by other particles within the chamber. Although we do not deal with bombardment in our approach, we provide a method to generate clusters of random shape and size, ranging from a single particle to a collection of particles, in order to make the simulation more representative of experimental reality. According to the results obtained from our study, interface growth in random vapor deposition follows two distinct regimes (the first clusters are grown randomly by building an interface which has grown as a result of deposition or evaporation of particles due to the difference between the average chemical vapor potential Uv and interface Ui). Growth () and roughness () exponents were stable with increasing substrate size (L) and a number of bombarded particles (N). These exponents are sensitive to the variation of Ui, where decreases as Ui changes from 0 to − 6 inversely to the exponent . All the surfaces obtained by this model have fractal properties. In addition, the technique of Greenwood and Williamson which consists in replacing the rough-rough contact by a rough-smooth contact is geometrically valid at the level of the interstices and less valid with respect to a thermal problem according to the roughness of interfaces of the surfaces in contact.

List of References

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