Cluster Beams Sources. Part 2. The Formation of Cluster Beams in Nozzle Sources

Authors A.Ju. Karpenko, V.A. Baturin

Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 58, Petropavlovskaya St., Sumy 40030, Ukraine

Issue Volume , Year , Number
Dates Received 26 July 2012; revised manuscript received 29 December 2012; published online 31 January 1990
Citation A.Ju. Karpenko, V.A. Baturin, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 4 No 4, 04015 (2012)
PACS Number(s) 9.25. – t, 36.40. – c, 37.20. + j, 47.45. – n, 52.59. – f, 52.65.Yy, 61.46.  – w, 81.10. – h, 81.15. – z
Keywords Cluster (16) ,  Cluster ions, Cluster beams sources, Molecular beams, Nozzle, Cluster formation, Expansion in vacuum.
Annotation The article briefly examines the processes occurring during the formation of cluster beams in sources of clusters, using the expansion of the gas mixture through a nozzle. The basic parameters of the gas cluster flow at the outlet nozzle, leading to the formation of clusters are analyzed. Some aspects of the formation of cluster beams from aerodynamic flows are discussed.

List of References

English version of article