Results (3):

Title Strain Properties of Thin Film Nanostructures Based on Permalloy and Silver
Authors D.O. Shuliarenko, O.V. Pylypenko, K.V. Tyschenko, I.M. Pazukha, L.V. Odnodvorets
Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 1
Pages 01011-1 - 01011-4
Title Structure, Electrical Conductivity and Magnetoresistive Properties of Binary Film Alloys Based on Fe, Co and Ni as a Component of Heisler Alloys
Authors Yu.O. Shkurdoda, I.M. Pazukha, A.І. Saltykova, D.І. Saltykov, S.R. Dolgov-Gordiichuk, A.Yu. Zahorulko, T.T. Nalyvaiko
Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6
Pages 06017-1 - 06017-4
Title Magnetoresistive Properties of Discontinuous Thin-film Systems Based on Ni80Fe20 and SiOx (x ≅ 1)
Authors O.V. Pylypenko, I.M. Pazukha, S.R. Dolhov-Hordiichuck, A.M. Lohvynov, K.V. Tyschenko, R.O. Troian, V. Komanicky, Yu.O. Shkurdoda
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 6
Pages 06031-1 - 06031-5