Title | Active FEL-Klystrons as Formers of Femto-Second Clusters of Electromagnetic Field. General Description | |
Authors | V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko, A.Ju. Brusnik | |
Issue | Volume 2, Year 2010, Number 2 | |
Pages | 050 - 078 |
Title | Active FEL-Klystrons as Formers of Femto-Second Clusters of Electromagnetic Field. Description of the Models Based on “Ordinary” FEL Sections | |
Authors | V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko, A.Ju. Brusnik | |
Issue | Volume 2, Year 2010, Number 3 | |
Pages | 054 - 070 |
Title | Active FEL-Klystrons as Formers of Femto-Second Clusters of Electromagnetic Field. Description of Models on the Basis of Sections of ‘Ordinary’ FEL’: Analisys | |
Authors | V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko, A.Ju. Brusnik | |
Issue | Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 3 | |
Pages | 100 - 113 |
Title | Formation of Powerful Multiharmonic Electromagnetic Wave by Two Stream Superheterodyne Klystron Free Electron Laser with Helical Electron Beam | |
Authors | A.V. Lysenko, I.I. Volk, G.A. Oleksiienko, A.Ju. Brusnyk | |
Issue | Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 5 | |
Pages | 05002-1 - 05002-8 |