Characterization of Thermally Oxidized Ti6Al4V Alloys for Dental Application

Автори A. Boucheham1, 2 , A. Karaali1 , B. Rahal3 , Y. Belkacem2

1 Laboratoire de Thermodynamique et Traitement de Surfaces des Materiaux, Departement de Physique, Faculte des Sciences Exactes, Universite des Freres Mentouri- Constantine1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria

2 Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-conducteurs pour l’Energetique, 02, Bd Dr Frantz Fanon, les 07 merveilles, BP : 140, 16038 Algiers, Algeria

3 Laboratoire de cristallographie, Departement de Physique, Faculte des Sciences Exactes, Universite des Freres Mentouri- Constantine1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria

Випуск Том 9, Рік 2017, Номер 2
Дати Одержано 15.02.2017; у відредагованій формі - 26.04.2017, опубліковано online - 28.04.2017
Посилання A. Boucheham, A. Karaali, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 2, 02033 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(2).02033
PACS Number(s) 87.85.jj, 46.55. + d, 81.65.Mq
Ключові слова Titanium alloys (3) , Dental implants (2) , Thermal oxidation, X-ray diffraction (19) , Anatase phase.
Анотація In this work, thermal oxidation processes in the temperature range of 500-800 °C in air for 4 hours were performed on Ti6Al4V medical grade alloys to modify their surface structure and morphology for better wear and corrosion resistance, osseointegration and biocompatibility. Different type and amount of nanostructured phases were obtained as revealed by the X-ray diffration (XRD) technique such as: alumina, anatase and rutile. X’pert high score plus software was used for the calculation of the percentage and crystallite sizes of these phases. Alumina phase exhibits the greater amount of the oxide layers when Ti6Al4V alloys annealed at 500 °C, while rutile was found to be the predominant phase at 800 °C.

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