A Unified Study of Electrical Transport Properties of Some Liquid Alkali Elements by Pseudopotential Approach

Authors Mayank H. Jani, A.M. Vora

Department of Physics, University School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009, Gujarat, India

Е-mail mayankjani5@gmail.com
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 1
Dates Received 08 December 2023; revised manuscript received 21 February 2024; published online 28 February 2024
Citation Mayank H. Jani, A.M. Vora, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 1, 01017 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(1).01017
PACS Number(s) 72.15Cz, 71.22. + I, 61.25.Mv
Keywords Model potential, Ziman formula, Mean free path, Electrical transport properties, Liquid metals (4) .

A well established local pseudopotential of Fiolhais et al. is used to study the electrical transport properties i.e. electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and thermoelectric power (TEP) of some liquid elements using model pseudopotential theory with Ziman’s and mean free path models. Taylor’s local field correction function is utilized to investigate the exchange and correlation effect on the said properties. The one component plasma (OCP) method is adopted for computing the structure factor of liquid metals. The presently obtained results are compared well with other such outcomes wherever exists and found fruitful.

List of References