Investigation of the Influence of Technological Factors on High-Voltage p0–n0 Junctions Based on GaAs

Authors A.M. Sultanov, E.K. Yusupov, R.G. Rakhimov

Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 160115 Namangan, Uzbekistan

Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 1
Dates Received 05 January 2024; revised manuscript received 14 February 2024; published online 28 February 2024
Citation A.M. Sultanov, E.K. Yusupov, R.G. Rakhimov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 1, 01010 (2024)
PACS Number(s) 073.63.Hs, 73.21.Fg, 73.21. − b
Keywords Liquid-phase epitaxial (LPE), Heterostructures (2) , High-voltage p0-n0 transition, Hall effect (4) , Background doping, Solution-melt.

A technology has been developed and an optimal solution has been found for obtaining p0-n0 junctions based on lightly doped GaAs layers, with high values of electrical parameters and specified thicknesses of the base layers for creating ultra-high-speed high-voltage pulsed three-electrode switches with a photon-injection mechanism for the transfer of no ne quorum charge carriers. The dependence of the switching stability relative to the control pulse of the created high-voltage photonic-injection switches in a wide current and frequency mode of their operation, its sensitivity to various external and internal influences of these parameters has been studied. Those on the thickness of the p0-layer, on the transfer coefficient , on the breakdown voltage Utrial, high-voltage p0-n0 transition, on the thickness of the solution-melt, on the temperature of the onset of crystallization, as well as the dependence of the transfer coefficient on the thickness of the p0-layer.

List of References