Technique for the Determination of the Elastic Stiffness Coefficient of Interatomic Connection Based on the Experimental Weight-Loading Curve

Authors A.A. Mochalov , A.A. Gaisha , K.D. Evfimko

1 National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov, 9, Geroev Stalingrada Av., 54000 Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 2
Dates Received 07 September 2011; revised manuscript received 16 May 2012; published online 04 June 2012
Citation A.A. Mochalov, A.A. Gaisha, K.D. Evfimko, J. Nano-Electron. Phys. 4 No 2, 02031 (2012)
PACS Number(s) 1.50.Ah, 62.20.Dq
Keywords Elastic stiffness coefficient, Interatomic potential, Interatomic forces, Hook law, Poisson ratio.
Annotation Calculation technique of the elastic stiffness coefficient of interatomic binding and interatomic forces for the crystal lattice of the deformed body is presented. The base of the investigation is the experimental weight-loading curves made both in the quasi-static regime and in dynamics. Dependence of the interatomic forces was found to be more complex than that, which can be described by the potentials like Morse. Thus, to increase the modeling accuracy of mechanical characteristics it is reasonable to turn to the potentials with larger number of parameters (for example, spline potentials).

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