Dimensioning and Modeling of a Circular Inductor Integrated in a Boost Converter

Authors Y. Benhadda1 , A. Hamid1 , T. Lebey2

1 University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO- MB) 31000, Algeria

2 University of Paul Sabatier, Laplace Laboratory, Toulouse, France

Е-mail benhadda_yamina@yahoo.fr
Issue Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4
Dates Received 18 June 2016; revised manuscript received 22 November 2016; published online 29 November 2016
Citation Y. Benhadda, A. Hamid, T. Lebey, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 8 No 4(1), 04039 (2016)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.8(4(1)).04039
PACS Number(s) 88.30.jr, 85.80. – b
Keywords Circular inductor integrated, Boost converter, Electromagnetic (12) , Finite element method (4) .
Annotation This paper presents the dimensioning and modeling of a circular inductor integrated in a Boost micro converter. At first, we define the characteristics of the Boost micro converter, which is the starting point for the design our component, taking into account the electrical and magnetic characteristics of the materials selected. The second, a Boost micro converter schematic simulation coupled with ideal and integrated inductor was presented. This conceptual model of the Boost is best understood in terms of the relation between voltage and current of the inductor. Finely, we have simulated the electromagnetic effects in integrated inductor in the air, and with substrate using the finite element method.

List of References