Formation of Polymer Films in Organic Photovoltaic Systems

Authors M.N. Orlova1 , L.I. Kolesnikova2, I.V. Schemerov1, S.I. Didenko1

1 National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, 4, Leninsky Pr., 119049 Moscow, Russia

2 The Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics named by V.L. Talrose of Russian Academy of Sciences, 38, Leninsky Pr., 119344 Moscow, Russia

Issue Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3
Dates Received 19 May 2014; revised manuscript received 01 July 2014; published online 15 July 2014
Citation M.N. Orlova, L.I. Kolesnikova, I.V. Schemerov, S.I. Didenko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 6 No 3, 03009 (2014)
PACS Number(s) 85.60.Bt, 85.40.Ls, 85.60. – q, 84.60.Jt
Keywords Photovoltaic cell (4) , Organic semiconductors (2) , Polymer (20) , Magnetic effect (3) .
Annotation Research has indicated that the layer morphology of the films obtained (up to 350 nm thick) gives reason to postulate film structure and composition being dependent on the value of relative fluorescence variation under the influence of a superimposed magnetic field. Moreover, the transmittance and absorption spectra of polymer films which in many ways define the architecture of a photovoltaic cell are highly dependent on the concentration of solutions in the 300-325 nm wavelength range.

List of References